I can't honestly say one particular moment or even one particular round of golf stands out among my personal 2014 highlight reel. There are a few particularly sweet shots that come to mind, a couple memorable putts finding their way to the hole, a few moments of bliss where the day and the course and the surroundings combined to put me in one of those almost ecstatic moods that seem to occur only on golf courses.
But when I think back on 2014 the fondest recollections are always people. In particular, nothing beats that first encounter with old friends upon arriving at ones destination after a long awaited journey. In particular, two moments. Arrival day in England on my annual golf vacation when I was greeted at the airport by Mark Rowlinson, then the two of us being joined by his son Ed for a round of golf at Delamere Forest. And a few weeks later walking into Alan Doyle's joint in Lagrange, GA to find a whole table full of guys I hadn't seen in anywhere from a couple years to nearly a decade.
It's one of the mysteries in my life why golf has happened to be the mechanism that introduced me to some of my favorite people in the world. For an activity that takes up, what, maybe 5% or so of my waking hours it seems that golf experiences and golf friends make up a hugely disproportionate source of my favorite memories. And heck, I'm not even any good at playing the silly game in the first place!