As the twig bendith, so groweth the tree.
To deny influence or the absence of continuity between the teacher and the student would be unrealistic.
How long would a pupil last in his apprentice capacity if his style was in direct conflict with that of his mentor's ?
The day after his release, when he goes out on his own, it is doubtful that he has an epiphany that cleanses his earlier teachings and experiences, arriving at a disconnected architectural style.
"The Golden Age of Golf Design" provides a look at the evolutionary process between teachers and pupils over the years.
Those familiar with Kelly Blake Moran understand the statement.
Sometimes common sense isn't so common.
Mark Fine,
Kelly was quite clear in that in his early years, working for his former firm, he manufactured golf courses. He indicated that he went through a metamorphisis on a certain hole on a project he was working on, that he had a moment of clarity that forever changed his design principles.
But, I'll let Kelly speak for himself.
Forrest Richardson,
Architects evolve over tiime, but the influence of their mentor in their early days would more then likely be stronger, then 10 years removed from their seperation date.