Copied below is a June 17, 1916 The Evening Post article forwarded to me by Jim Kennedy (I continue to be amazed by Jim's ability to track down articles like this). The article discusses the recent work of Donald Ross, including completed and planned new courses and remodels. The timing of this article was of particular interest to me, as it came out just before much of the work in this country was put on hold for the war effort. In fact, I'd just read an article about a resort in Florida that was able to proceed with construction during the war, but only because it was planned to be a convalescent stop for injured soldiers.
Items of note:
Aronimink CC - remodeled and trapped the course - this work on an earlier version of the course predates the first involvement with the club I've seen for Ross by 12 years. Work not listed on the DRS listing.
Portland CC, Pittsfield CC - the DRS has a date of 1921 for this work.
Southbridge CC - this is Cohasse CC.
Colorado remodel for Frank Woodward - this would be his 1916 remodel of Lakewood GC.
Unnamed Dayton, OH course - either Dayton CC or Miami Valley GC, both of which the DRS gives a date of 1919.
Allegheny CC - Ross remodeled the course in 1933, so perhaps the suggested work in the article was never done.
Westmoreland CC (aka Green Oaks CC (West)) - DRS has this as a new course in 1921, perhaps work envisioned prior to the war was delayed.
Willowick CC (aka Manakiki GC) - the Ross course here wasn't built until 1928.
Erie CC - guessing this is the Kahkwa Club, which is listed as a new course in 1916 and not a remodel.
Buffalo CC (aka CC of Buffalo) - another instance where the course wasn't built until later (1926).
Palmetto CC - this is the first mention of his involvement with Palmetto I've seen, the article notes this work was expected to take place, so perhaps it never came to fruition.
Louisville CC - plans for a new course which I have not seen noted before.
CC of Topeka - is this Shawnee?
Old Elm CC - noted as laid out by Ross in 1913, with plans to add more traps.