I agree that certain holes/courses can appear tricked up at first glance, and some for many glances thereafter. The interesting thing to me, whether intentional or not, is not fooling you on the first play. It's messing with your mind after multiple plays. For instance, on a hole where you know there's plenty of hidden fairway hidden beyond a hazard or a significant rise, but it doesn't make the tee shot any less daunting. Think of a blind golfer playing the shot and think of yourself playing it. It's amazing how much the visual stimulus impacts your ability to make a relaxed, carefree swing even when you know there's plenty of room for error, simply because it doesn't look like there is, even after multiple plays. Those times you payed the price for misjudging or mishitting the shot stick in your craw more, the more you play the hole. It's down to the subtlety (and naturalness for some of us) of shaping, the specific visual cues, and the penalty for misclubbing, being too agressive or mishitting a shot.