I'm cutting and pasting here for you. There may be some overlap with the information, but bear with me.
From the President's report on 1916 it says:
As you are well aware, our new links are now complete with the exception of some bunkers and traps which will be added, the plans for which have been full matured (sic).
As previously stated, it is confidently expected thats the new Links will be opened for play not later than Decoration Day in any event, and considerably earlier than this date if the Spring weather conditions should be of a favorable nature. Those of our membership who have been able to watch the development of our new Course, and who have had opportunities of observing other Links in this country, will surely recognize that our new Course will be as good a one as now exists, and will prove to be a great added attraction for our members, and also to a greatly increased number of guests.
Our soil is admirably adapted to the development of a beautiful fair green, , and the character of our land with its natural undulations and hazards has provided us with an opportunity offered to no other Links in this section of the country, with the possible exception of one or two located in the New England Mountains.
The results secured are the product of the deep thought of Mr. Robert White, our greens expert, Mr. Seth J. Rauynor, the leading Golf Architect in the United States, Mr. Charles B. MacDonald, the recognized authority among amateurs on golf course construction, and the unremitting and well-considered work of our Greens Committee.