Contributions are strictly voluntary and the only reason for anyone to contribute to this site is because you want to and because you want to see the site continue to run on a commercial free basis.
Numerous people have stepped forward and the generousity to date, especially considering the economic climate, has shown me that we are indeed doing something right and that we have created something of value to people.
At the rate we are going, the actual admin of the site won't cost me money this year, which is a very nice change, and I thank everyone who has helped reduce the financial burden of providing this free access site. The notes that have accompanied the cheques are (almost
) as valuable as the money itself and each letter is saved.
Two corporations have approached to place ads on it, and there is a significant amount of money involved. Such monies could be used for adding additional features such as streaming videos etc. but conversely, there is non-financial upside in the enjoyment of a commercial free website. Plus, the integrity of the site could be compromised by a site sponsor if there was the perception of a conflict in interest. Still, there is no doubt that if everyone wanted to enjoy a free lunch, we would commercialize it tomorrow but that has emphatically not been the case.
At the end of each calendar year, I will make a determination as to which is the best way to go. The site must continually evolve and add features and perhaps we can raise enough money to do so based on the existing voluntary policy. Thus, the direction of the web site is largely left up to the generousity of the individual participants, and to date, it has been outstanding.