I'd like to propose a few dates for the GCA gathering. It would be fine to play in the afternoon and perhaps have drinks afterwards, either at Westwood or we can take up Jeff's offer.
Tuesday July 20 or 27.
Friday July 24 or 31.
Up to 11 people can play, so if those dates don't work out for the majority, we could schedule it for the fall. Going back to Merion for the Walker Cup, other than that, I should be free on Tuesday PM's and Fridays.
I'll be heading to Chicago at the end of this week for matches with mates from RCPGC vs. Olympia Fields, Flossmoor and Chicago. I've never played in Chicago and am looking forward to it very much. The second week of July we are going to Charlevoix, Michigan... any suggestions for play nearby? I've heard Boyne is nice.
Let me know what you think.