"As soon as you attempt to make a par you are competing against a standard accepted by far more than .00001% of those who golf."
Par is a method for keeping score. If folks are using the idea of par as a goal and nobody else is playing, that isn't a competition. That is practicing with a goal in mind. If other folks are playing, par is irrelevant as it doesn't indicate a winning or losing score. I would change your line of thinking to as soon as one tries to earn the lowest score possible.... Remember, par is only a name for a score, just as bogey, birdie, double bogey and albatross are. The only difference is par is a score expected of an expert player - of course, these days, par doesn't win many tournaments among expert players. Personally, I wish the idea of par were never invented because it has been the source or more misconception in the game than about any other concept.
"The reason I hate this guy is because they architect may have never intended that shot be attempted anyway."
Do archies really design shots they never intend to be attempted? Sure, I can understand that archies don't think people will try to skip shots off water and other crazy stuff (it does happen), but if there is grass does an archie really think thoughts like "I am not intending anybody to attempt this shot"?
"I believe that without competition architecture is overpriced landscaping."
So a guy can't go out on his own and enjoy architecture?