Man, do I need a proof typer!!! First, living with plenty of surfers in OCNJ, I should know gnarly, and I mispelled it in the original post.
As to nasty bunkers, the left side of ten at PVGC is almost as bad as the DA, and #'s 2, 5, 8, 12, 13,15 are all pretty good in the gnarl index. But then again, it is vintage 1918+-.
Sand Hills has some great bunkers, but they didn't strike pure fear into me. However, I didn't know where they all were first time thru. If I get back, as crooked as I drive it , I might find out about more of them.
Bill Kittleman is probably the foremost expert on bunkers that I have met. He speaks of building them with a reverence usually reserved for green construction. His attention to detail in building them is pretty legendary in Philly circles.
Back to the question, best modern bunkers, hard to single out anything really special!!! Perhaps Bandon, which I have yet to visit.