Where can one purchase this match and others on a DVD ?
Pine Valley is such a great golf course and Nelson and Littler were amongst the best golfers the world had ever seen, but, 14 year old kids are outhitting them by a mile, and the relevance of architectural features has been greatly diminished by the inroads of hi-tech.
Steve Shaffer,
I've been playing at two golf courses that are in excess of 7,200 yards, they're now considering lengthening the course to around 7,400.
As to handicaps remaining the same, that proves my point, hi-tech has been able to overcome Mother Nature and the aging process. Handicaps should go up as golfers lose their hand-eye co-ordination, get out of shape, play less, and get older. Yet, according to you, they're not.
I remember when 6,800 was a long course.
I'd have no issue with playing my clubs, circa 1960, on a 6,800 yard course.
With today's equipment and ball, If I could putt better than Ray Charles, I'd be a plus 2 handicap today, and I'm on Medicare, and, I play the back tees whenever I can.
High tech has diminished the significance of the architecture.
A great case in point is GCGC, where certain features, like the cross bunkers on # 11 have become largely irrelevant to young players and mid to low handicap players.
There's a strategical genius to those stepped bunkers that I and others totally disregard unless there's a strong, heavy wind in our face.
While it's possible to pick up a few yards in tee length, it's not very practical due to the configuration of the 7th, 10th and 11th holes, but, additional yardage would bring those bunkers, thinking and strategy BACK.
Then again, so would an ANGC "Tournament ball"
I'd welcome its introduction.