C&W doesn't attribute any Westwood to Behr but that doesn't really mean much. But if those boys out there in California who are some real Behr experts don't know about it I would be very surprised.
There's a real irony here, it would seem, with Behr and most of the courses he did out there. That is Maxie created a very interesting two-part philosophy he called "Permanent Architecture" and some of his ads even had that on them but most everything Maxie did seems to be about the least permanent it could get.
Some of it was destroyed by Nature (the very thing he tried to design to prevent), and a lot of the rest was massively redesigned or just used for something else.
The contradictions with Maxie go on. Here's a guy who just slammed Joshua Crane in the 1920s for trying to apply a mathematical analysis and formulae to architecture to determine its quality---but yet towards the end of his life Maxie developed his own philosophy based on his own numerology to explain all things, I guess.
The guys was something else but MAN, could he ever write!!
Oh, sorry, that was pretty complex too.
I don't know why a guy who seemed to make so much sense with his ideas on permanent architecture could have this happen to so many of his courses.
But I don't think it was Maxie's fault really. It probably just has to do with the fact there are so many total nutcases out there in California.
And if it's not their fault that so much of his architecture went down the tubes then it must be George Bush's fault somehow because everything else wrong in this world now is his fault.