Yes, Robert White did create prototypical golf holes. Longue Vue has a Redan and Eden. Northampton Country Club does not have any of the prototypical holes but the greens are what you would expect from some Raynor projects (or White for that matter); double-plateau, deep swales.....
White was truly a trend setter in his time. Some of his 1st's include working for Crawford, McGregor and Camby which became McGregor. He was the 1st to create machined golf clubheads, 1st to introduce crop management practices into the turf industry. Created the first "management" style maintenance practice overseeing 11 Westchester area courses. Founding member of both the PGA and ASGCA. He also built the frist putting green at the White House.
Robert White much like Findlay and Park Jr. are forgotten (somewhat) on this DG. Their contributions in design and development of the game in America were nonetheless substantial. Maybe it was timing, maybe personality, that left them from the forefront of todays architectural students. White's work at North Shore (always being disputed) is top-notch. The 9th hole - Road Hole is as good as it gets. His other work is decent but will not blow you away. His courses are subtle and fun to return to time and time again.
Yes, Wayne the Clubhouse at Longue Vue is unrivaled in the state and easily one of the best in the country.