The municipality where my brothers course was built charges greenfees to where it is beyond self supporting. The additional monies generated now goes to improve other areas of the park. I would guess given the materials he generated and time spent at a site 1500 miles from his office came in around 100 hours of work. If you want to pooh pooh full size color drawings and a site visit then so be it. Sorry for mentioning something of such little value.
I don't read them as pooh poohing your brother's generous work, simply as differentiating it from some of the practices of other architects.
No one works for free, they just work for different reasons.
If I had a few thousand acres in the Sand Hills, I'd be letting each architect on board have at least a 9, maybe even an 18. And I'd pay 'em, too (hey, if you're gonna dream....).
Of course, I'd save a little corner for myself as well.