Greetings all.
Mike Blake
38 yrs old
Worcester, PA (philadelphia suburbs)
married, 2 kids (around 3, around 1)
former teacher, current stay-at-home dad for 3+ years. (not sure how much longer I can do it as i'm beginning to go crazy)
Kids nap time has provided me plenty of time to become a daily lurker on this site for a couple of years now, and to practice my stack and tilt 3/4 swing.
Playing golf since 15yrs old. (has it been 23yrs already?) handicap has been 11-15 during that time. Grew up in Essex/Morris County, NJ playing such courses as, Francis Byrne, Galloping Hill, Weequaik (sp?), Flanders Valley.....
Became interested in architecture when a friend of mine and member of this site began a career as a course designer.
Being a stay at home dad with two young kids doesn't allow for much playing as time is scarce and money is tight. But I have been playing fairly regularly this year..... Mostly play at Jeffersonville (Ross/McGovern?) which is only a few miles from home. Probably the best bang for the buck around these parts. Also play twilight rates at Lederach (Kelly Blake Moran.)
The one positive about not playing as much pre-kids is that my interest in architecture make each round much more meaningful and enjoyable now that my eyes are open.
Look forward to being an active member of the site. And to meeting the Philadelphia area posse of GCA, maybe at the Cobbs Creek outing. I used to play there a bit in college and I do remember my last time there I had a hard time completing my backswing with the bulletproof vest I was wearing