Maturation takes eight to twelve actual grass growing weeks. A course seeded/sprigged by Sept. 15 or so will grow until November 1 or so, or about six weeks, and usually needs another four to six next year, starting in April or May, unless all goes perfectly. And, things can go wroing. Thus, the 8-12 weeks becomes 8-12 months!
It's better to plant warm season grasses in May or June than later in the year. With good irrigation, I have seen shcedules to plant cool season grasses earlier than September and its possible to plant the new heat tolerant bents even in summer.
If the course was in that bad a shape after opening in 2006, I suspect they just don't have the funds or expertise to mature it properly. Gravel paths are an indication to me that there was a low budget. And, as you suggest, if the course was on land that probably needed sod or at least erosion control netting, and the budget didn't allow, but they are paying now. The weeds are taken out first by mowing and then chemically to get the rest - again, sounds like a budget issue.
As to whether it "should" open, probably not, but again, the club probably needs the revenue.