1. What is your location? (for demographics only, Bunky)
The Frozen Tundra, near Lambeau Field...
2. How many rounds have you posted in 2007?
5, on the first 4 days of January, during the unprecidented warm spell, thanks to one course here that will open anytime you can see turf... then finally yesterday. (have hit several buckets from heated stall -into the snow, however...
3. How many rounds did you play with temporary flagsticks?
None, because they cut one set of cups, then when it freezes, you keep using it, until most rabbit holes are more tidy.
4. How many rounds did you play in weather with temperatures lower than 45 degrees this year? (since this time 2006)
5. How many new pieces of golf equipment have you purchased this year?
0, so far...