I have been involved in many Scrambles and developed a handicap system that works quite well.
The first thing is try to get all four handicaps around the same total (i.e. say its 70, a 10, 15, 20 and 25 handicapper).
The most important player is the lowest handicap-take 30% of their handicap. Take 20% of the next lowest; take 15% of the next and 10% of the highest handicap. The sample team would have a 11.5 handicap. Use the fractions.
Say a team has all 4 players with 10 handicap, total of 40. Their handicap will be 7.5, but they'll still have the advantage, it works better if you can get all the teams around the same totals.
Last week we had 24 teams and they averaged 64 total handicaps, using the system they ended up within 4 strokes from best to worst.
Another way to make it fair is to say whoevers shot is used cannot hit the next shot, unless its on the green.
Anyone else have Scramble systems?