In order to maximise integrity, raters should be thrown out, when they compromise their anonymity, like the Guide Michelin does it (since 1926). This ensures not only integrity for the course, but also for the raters - they do not have to defend themselves, are free in their judgment and self-important know-it-alls will never apply for this anonymous and unpaid service.
If a rater wants to play a course, he will drive far, he will pay a lot, he will write a review and he will do all that because he is interested. If he lacks enough interest to go to these pains, then he should not visit and very likely, if the course can't generate enough interest among raters, it shouldn't be reviewed.
What about private clubs? They should not be rated, if they can't be accessed anonymously. Why should they be rated? Who for? If not even enthusiastic and spendy hardcore raters can get access, then who of the audience can? The Guide Michelin doesn't rate private restaurants - people buy the Guide, because they want to know where they can eat.