I have spoken with Ran and he has said okay to a Golf Club Atlas golf bag for us to purchase with the logo embroidered on it. Ran and I have selected the Sun Mountain Mini as the bag - this is the lightest bag that I know of that has a stand - it is just over two pounds, so it is great for those of us who walk and carry our bags, and caddies will love us. We have chosen the silver color and it will have the Golf Club Atlas.Com logo as above with the yellow/gold letters and the flagstick with the red flag.
The bag is priced at $75.00 including drop shipping directly to you. GCA will be making no money on the transaction - it is not a fundraiser - it is being done solely to identify those of us who are active on GCA. Any contributions you want to make to the site should continue as before and should not be sent to me. Here is a link to Sun Mountain so you can see the bag.
http://www.sunmountain.com/default.php?cPath=2946_2947_2895&showproductlist#productlist I need to get an idea of how many people are interested as we need a certain level of commitment to meet the guarantees required from Sun Mountain.
Please email me at gcagolfbag@yahoo.com if you are willing to commit to a purchase of the bag. I will need your name, shipping address and telephone number to pass on to Sun Mountain. You will be paying by check to me, but no money should be sent until I post that it is a go.
I will need your commitment by October 20 to be included. This will not be ongoing - I will not accept any commitments after the deadline. Presuming that it is a go, we should have the bags within 30 days and well before Christmas.