Anytime you're a guest at a club, you have an obligation to inquire about the policies of the club. That applies to dress code, cell phones, etc., etc..
Clubs now have to remind members and guests vis a vis news letters that hats aren't worn indoors and that when worn, bills must face forward, that shirts must have a collar and must be tucked in. All things that members and guests should know.
All too often people are too lazy, or don't care.
I can understand how you'd feel after looking at the Sarge's shirts for more than a few years.
Your argument is one of extremes, predisposing the audience to choose the lesser of two evils.
I prefer a well attired individual who conducts themselves properly, in accordance with the club's rules. Those two aren't mutually exclusive.
Jim Kennedy,
I understand the generational gap, but, when in Rome ......
You can't allow inappropriate conduct or dress when the environment dictates otherwise.
I've been to a number of funerals recently and have been disappointed by the dress of the younger generation.
It shows a lack of respect, laziness and, it's an all about me attitude. I was further disappointed when cell phone use occured while some wonderful men were being layed to rest.
I've also seen a number of older people "who have arrived" dress and conduct themselves as they see fit as well.
A polite word from the staff telling them that they can't play or visit the golf course in their attire gets the message across to them, their host and other members and guests.
If we want to sink to the levels of the lowest common denominator, all we have to do is to say or do nothing.