Ok Tom H, What did we do that made us memorable? Not that I'm not use to people coming up to me and saying "you're Adam aren't you?" "We played here together three years ago, do you remember?" Rarely do I, but sometimes...
As for our day at the creek, I have one regret and that was that we could've and should've communicated better. Gib had to catch a plane and I wanted to hit the road. But Tommy wanted to stay and go back out, if only for a tour.
I think this entire DG has suffered because of that mistake. As it was, we all rode back, dropped Gib off at McCarren and Tommy, Sheryl and I had lunch at the buffet
If I had a guess I'd say that they remember us for being big tippers with the least amount of effort put on us. Save for the guy that poured the Arnie Palmers in the bar. Or was it my rocky par on 18?
Mark was the consumate host and I'd give anything not to feel the way I did that day, but I choose not to wish my life away