Would you agree that many tees are built on an elevated fill or foot pad.
Would you also agree that some tees sit on or near pronounced elevations, either due to the terrain the tee sits on, or by design ?
I believe the answer to both questions is yes, which means the following:
If a crewmember is riding a triplex mower, under your example, he has to leave the fill pad, he has to go to the exterior of the tee, most likely encountering slopes,
which can be dangeroous. In addition, the wear and tear of the tight turn radius will result in damaged and unsighly turf, right where the golfer's eyes will look.
With a square or rectangular tee, the turns can be made within the interior of the tee, eliminating the hazard of the mower encountering the surrounding slopes.
Now it is true, that you may get some corner fill, but that can be fixed.
Even if hand mowers are used, the same principles and problems exist.
Dan Kelly,
In my post of 10-11-01 at 6:46 pm, I asked you a simple, legitimate, serious question.
In your response post of 10-11-01 at 9:58 pm,
you gave a cutesy pie and flip answer,
so I merely pressed the issue.
If you really wanted to learn, as you state,
perhaps you would have responded with a more legitimate question, or asked for clarification on my question, instead you chose to be flip, and I responded in kind.
Rather than belittle a question, or point of view, perhaps you and Robert Walker should make an attempt to reflect upon and understand it, first
Geoffrey C,
Using Jeremy's method, in his example, is it possible to mow the back tee at # 13 at Boca Rio ?
Do you also think that many courses in Florida and elsewhere, elevate their tees ?