You are certainly entitled to your opinion but you already said plenty that wasn’t polite, why stop now? Maybe others and especially the members who tell us they love the golf course are just being polite as well?
We weren’t trying to “resemble” other work Hunter did in the area! By the way, what work in the area is still Robert Hunter’s that we should have tried to resemble? Please elaborate. This was Hunter’s course not Mackenzie’s. I am sure you have photos and research backing up what Hunter original did there, not elsewhere but at Berkeley. Also you still have not said what Watson was originally in the course that was eliminated by us or someone else and/or not brought back? You won’t insult by elaborating.
If you think the golf course was great in the architectural condition it was before the work was done I guess I am not sure what course you were looking at. The far majority of the membership didn’t agree with that and it is their golf course.
I am not trying to pick a fight but if you disparage someone’s work especially a private members course, you should expect some response. If there are any members here, maybe they will chime in.
If you would have left things as is, the property would likely no longer exist as a golf course. I am happy it is still there 15 or so years later. Many were not sure back then if the course would survive so if we accomplished anything, we did that. I am anxious to email Kye to tell him how much you loved his shaping! I still remember his comment about the greens and the bunkers when he first got there. It is not something I will share publicly as that definitely wouldn’t be polite. Like us I think Kye was pretty proud of what he did. I know Forrest is.