Matt, did you see the Marfa lights? Evidently luck plays a role. The UT observatory is spectacular according to those in the know.
Astronomy was my lab science requirement in college, so I was super bummed about missing the McDonald Observatory, but we just didn't have time.
Did we see the Marfa lights? I'll say yes. I am lightly amused by the entire experience. From what I gather, the lights are is two fold. The small flashes of light are what people generally refer to, but there is also a large pillar of light in the distance sometimes. We saw the large pillar.
What the light are isn't important, it's mostly an excuse to get folks far enough away from town to really take in the milky way from a fully dark sky area, and it's just amazingly beautiful. The viewing area is southern facing toward the elliptic, and you can see any planets visible in the nights sky (Jupiter was bright as ever).
We got very close to Black Jack Crossing, driving down to
the hoodoos at the state park. The reason why I suggested the drive along the Rio Grande was exactly because this drive is absurdly beautiful.
I also played the muni there. Unfortunately, I would not recommend it to folks in the GCA community. I'm working on an article right now on my complicated feelings about it. It's really heartbreaking to go to such an impressive town, with such a focus on creativity and large, permanent installations, and then visit a golf course that is well loved by the folks in town, but offers little in the way of architectural significance. I'm sure that money is the main issue there, but with the grants the city receives for artistic ventures that can improve tourism, I know that improvements could be made if golf course architecture was embraced by the community as an artistic endeavor.
That said, I would recommend the beautiful isolation of Marfa strongly, and I'll surely go back.