Golf Club Atlas => Golf Course Architecture Discussion Group => Topic started by: ANTHONYPIOPPI on October 24, 2008, 12:14:10 PM
Now that the Big Man is back on the site, I think there needs to be an explanation to people unfamiliar with Tommy, exactly who he is and what he means to us... in 34 words or fewer.
I'll begin by quoting Zhiqu: "When you're deluded, every statement is an ulcer; when you're enlightened, every word is wisdom."
Emperor No Liki Tedi :D
Oh please.......
I remember reading your posts when I first started lurking here, maybe five years ago. Without getting into why you left, could you let me know your background and your relationship with GCA?
And welcome back!
He comes from a humble background, with roots that run as deep as the oil wells that pierce the Los Angeles Basin landscape.
Who's the black private dick
That's a sex machine to all the chicks?
Ya damn right!
Who is the man that would risk his neck
For his brother man?
Can you dig it?
Who's the cat that won't cop out
When there's danger all about?
Right On!
They say this cat Tommy is a bad mother
I'm talkin' 'bout Tommy.
He's a complicated man
But no one understands him but his woman
I think a photo spred is indicated.
Who's the black private dick
That's a sex machine to all the chicks?
Ya damn right!
Who is the man that would risk his neck
For his brother man?
Can you dig it?
Who's the cat that won't cop out
When there's danger all about?
Right On!
They say this cat Tommy is a bad mother
I'm talkin' 'bout Tommy.
He's a complicated man
But no one understands him but his woman
That was classic!
Tommy is one of the nicer people I have ever run into in my life. Just a good guy.
I believe he was the only drummer of Spinal Tap to live and tell about it.
He now exists only in backroom circles committed to the frank discussion and commentary...of anything and everything.
The ultimate Tommy thread.
Somewhat difficult to follow now because the pictures are gone and some posts have been deleted.,12096.0.html
Welcome back, Kotter! 8)
We need pics...personal data...facts...detailed bio...
We need pics...personal data...facts...detailed bio...
All you need to know is that he is Italian and connected.....
Yours truly,
Joey The Nose
All you need to know is that he is Italian and connected.....
Yours truly,
Joey The Nose
Que bella
Wasn't he a regular at the "Badda Bing"? 8)
We need pics...personal data...facts...detailed bio...
All you need to know is that he is Italian and connected.....
Yours truly,
Joey The Nose
And be sure not to cross him or this guy might show up at your door.
Now that the Big Man is back on the site, I think there needs to be an explanation to people unfamiliar with Tommy, exactly who he is and what he means to us... in 34 words or fewer.
I'll begin by quoting Zhiqu: "When you're deluded, every statement is an ulcer; when you're enlightened, every word is wisdom."
It was hard live without the passion of the "Emeror". A terrific guy and wonderful friend. Great to have him back
Fairways and Greens
Once again, the site is complete with Tommy back on board.
Welcome Tommy!
I've heard that Tommy is so famous in LA that he has his own honorary perpetual table-for-one setting at El Cholo.
and if you see a lowrider truck like this parked outside El Cholo, it is a prettygood bet Tommy is inside.
The Emperor
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The Emperor can refer to:
The Emperor (Tarot card)
Palpatine, a character from the Star Wars franchise
Piano Concerto No. 5 (Beethoven)
Thomas Naccarato, noted Golf Architecture expert, critic, writer, and bon vivant
[edit] See also
Emperor (disambiguation)
Thomas 'The Emperor' Naccarato (pronounced Tommee Nac-car-ato) is a true Southern California icon. Born in La Habra, California to Italian-American parents, Thomas grew up in middle class surroundings dreaming of becoming the first rock and roll golf architect. At the age of 11, he was involved in the design of the first miniature golf course that specifically avoided the usual miniature golf course features such as windmills, waterfalls, and clown's mouth in favor of the classic design elements embodied at the Old Course in St. Andrews, Scotland (attribution needed). It was just a sign of things to come.
Thomas' life changed forever after a visit to St. Andrews in the early 1990's, possibly the result of one too many pints at the neighoring taverns. Since that time, Thomas has been an outspoken critic of the deficiencies in the design of many golf courses in the United States, in particular the works of noted architects such as the late Ted Robinson, Jr. and Tom Fazio while providing passionate support of the classic designs of Alastair MacKenzie and George Thomas.
Mr. Naccarato has also been active in bringing to the public information about the history of many Southern California courses such as Recreation Park and Virginia Golf Club in Long Beach, Santa Anita in Arcadia, and Brookside in Pasadena.
A lifelong fan of the Los Angeles (nee Brooklyn) Dodgers, Mr. Naccarato can often be found at his favorite restaurant, El Cholo, munching on chips, sipping margaritas, and watching his beloved Dodgers come up short once again.
Shorts a hitch, belly a miss, smiles for days...
Freckles at times but laughs and rhymes, for newbies and veterans alike...
Should have seen him at the KP in Palm Springs... Good times ;)
Tommy adds a lot of zest to this website. It's sort of like that zesty sauce on the In-and-Out Burgers. You don't really know how much you miss it until you get another taste of it!
And nobody knows PhotoShop any better! I had no idea about all the changes to LaCumbre CC until Tommy posted the current aerial with the old routing. What a difference.
Basically, Tommy is a thinker, which is what we need most today. Not someone that will agree, necessarily, but will offer his view without regard for the outcome. In other words, it is his point of view.
Thanks for people like Tommy, and welcome back !
G'day Tommy,
I hardly ever visit GCA these days, but this morning I happened to notice the postings re you. I hope that you haven't been ill, or if you have been, that you are fully recovered. I remember very clearly the early days of the web and Yourself, redanman, Chris Collucci, RJD, Court Graham, Mothman and that disruptive interloper Torosay (or something similar).
You might be interested to know Tommy that where I now reside (Bangkok) most of the golf courses are terrible due mainly to the designers - yep, I'm sorry to say - mostly modern American designers.
I miss the Melbourne sandbelt greatly, and I should make an effort to come by this way more often. To you Tommy and those who remember me from all those years ago on Golfweb I send you my kindest regards.
Mike -
It is wonderful to hear from you again. You are most definitely remembered from GolfWeb.
I hope you will resume posting. I recall your perspectives as being flavored with a unique grasp of the history of architecture in Australia.
I hope all is well in Bangkok and that we hear from you again soon.
Bob (a/k/a Otey from GolfWeb days)
Mike -
It is wonderful to hear from you again. You are most definitely remembered from GolfWeb.
I hope you will resume posting. I recall your perspectives as being flavored with a unique grasp of the history of architecture in Australia.
I hope all is well in Bangkok and that we hear from you again soon.
Bob (a/k/a Otey from GolfWeb days)
"Otey?" ???
Damn. I hoped I could sneak that under the radar.
And, no, I'm not going to tell you the story. ;)
Mr. Pioppi-
We all know Tommy is the following:
The king of quirk
Wow, if Tommy coming back can get Mike Duffy posting again. that's almost too much good news for one person to handle.
And no Torosay can't come back.
Mike -
It is wonderful to hear from you again. You are most definitely remembered from GolfWeb.
I hope you will resume posting. I recall your perspectives as being flavored with a unique grasp of the history of architecture in Australia.
I hope all is well in Bangkok and that we hear from you again soon.
Bob (a/k/a Otey from GolfWeb days)
Ah yes, now I remember the name well . . . Otey. A very regular poster indeed. And the best of regards to you too. I have just looked through the names on the board and most of them are unfamiliar to me, but that is not surprising as I haven't really posted anything of substance for over five years and I don't spend that much time on the internet these days. I guess I'm too busy (or lethargic) to post these days, but I will try sometime soon to post on something interesting regarding the courses on the outskirts of the "City Of The Angels". Playing golf here is far different to most other places that I have played over a lifetime. One can never seem to have a straight game of golf in these parts.
Well hello Michael, this is a great surprise. I hope your leg problems are totally recovered and you are walking around fine again. We have a member of our county Men's club that stays mid December to end of April in Thailand. He buys a yearly membership there and pays less than his seasonal pass here. And, he says he lives there cheaper than here on a daily basis. He says that while the golf is very different, and apparently a lot of betting, he likes it for the change of style from here being that variety is the spice of life aspect. I can't say what other 'variety' he may indulge in overthere that is spicy or different than here... ::) :o ;D
Be well, and please give us some of your insight and great story telling as to your Asian golf experiences.
Mike -- nice to hear from you. You were one of the last holdouts on Bravenet (!
Out of sheer embarassment, I've held back on visiting this thread, but thanks to all for the warm welcome back, but most bringing Mike Duffy back home to us!
Mike, I don't know what the Hell your doing in Thailand and why on earth your not playing your golf at your beloved Peninsula, please do tell!
Thailand? That could be fun. Or as Dick says, an added "spice" of life!
Kevin -
Thanks for the reminder. I had forgotten about the early days on TraditonalGolf. Somebody ought to be recording the zig zags of our little group.
Mike -
Health, distance, age, jobs, none of those are excuses for not posting more often. Hope to see you around.
Next thing you know we're gonna hear from Ken Pitts.
;D ;D
Just another name for the old-timers....
Hello Mike. I was on those old forums too... going back to even before Bravenet and traditionalgolf... was was Tommy, Craig E, Kevin R, Bob, the now gone redanman, Dan King, Bob Huntley, a few others who now post here... it's funny how long we have all "known" each other now.
Tom Huckaby (I always have unimaginatively posted under my own name)
I first started on that other free-for-all, and used Bendelow2, because it was so raucous and outrageous that it seemed you didn't dare use your real name for fear of cyberstalkers or something.... ::)
Then we had a first and second crack at the forum where some of us more serious folk started to congregate. Some from that raucous forum migrated to the forum just before Bravenet that I believe then Mike Golden was a star finanicial sponsor of that Bravenet effort up until its demise. Then it really took off on a serious golf architecture discussion. Mike Duffy was a star there. Unfortunately, his star collided with Mike's star and we had a bit of a black hole envelope... :-\ And, as we have seen as these discussions have really gone global, stars still do collide, very sadly as we all know here on from regretable occasional solar storms... :'(
But there is hope, and guys like Mike are still making their way back once in a while. ;D 8)
Next thing you know we're gonna hear from Ken Pitts.
;D ;D
Just another name for the old-timers....
Hello Mike. I was on those old forums too... going back to even before Bravenet and traditionalgolf... was was Tommy, Craig E, Kevin R, Bob, the now gone redanman, Dan King, Bob Huntley, a few others who now post here... it's funny how long we have all "known" each other now.
Tom Huckaby (I always have unimaginatively posted under my own name)
Ah Tom H, how could I forget you? I remember you well. I was trying to remember some of the "old" names the other night over a few beers, but I guess the intake of the brown suds didn't help in my recollection.
And Kevin R, another old stalwart whom I remember fondly, and what can I say about my old mate, the Right Hon. R. J. Daley, esq, the man with the eye for design from the dairyland of the USA.
Dan King I should of thought of right away, because as I recall he was the moderator on golfweb when we had all of the verbal altercations with the abusive Torosay.
And of course Tommy N, the man from Orange Country, Cal, and I'm glad to hear that you are still going strong Tommy.
Its now coming back to me, Craig E I remember as well and Bob Huntly who spent some of his earlier years in South Africa and Zimbabwe (or Rhodesia as it was then named).
But please tell me Tom, what do you mean when you say "the departed redanman". Could you elaborate please!
My health is fine, my golf 50/50 (due to lack of playing time), my original visit to Thailand some years ago was to research and write a book about Jim Thompson, the former American spy, who settled in Thailand after WWII, and revived the Thai silk industry.
I received a handsome stipend from the publishers (Murdoch owned, so double the pleasure), but upon completion two other books on the same subject were published so the manuscript is still with the publishing house.
Then I was offered a job as an editor of one of Bangkok's weekly newspapers, which I accepted and which I have put a lot hard work into over the past four years. Presently I'm back in Melbourne, albeit briefly, laying the groundwork for our permanent return in the first half of next year.
Thailand is a fascinating country, cultured, corrupt, infuriating, perplexing, delightful, unstable, assailant to the senses, reflections in an eyeball, the new, the old, the brash, the demure, the mega rich, the burgeoning middle class, the rural poor, the brooding military, the internicine police forces, all of the above and more held together by the reverence of the Thai people for their monarch, HR King Bhumipol, who has been on the throne since 1946. Unfortunately the King's health is not good in his 81st year and I would not like to be residing in Thailand when dies.
For now, cheers to the "old gang".
No worries, Redanman is still alive and kicking, he just is no longer a member of the GCA family so he no longer posts here.
Its good to hear from you again and that things are going well.