Peter...every time I talk about religion (or metaphysics), the entire threads get deleted.

So, I'll just say this...those four items listed sound an awful lot like that one fabulous round of golf we've all had.
It is Transient -- it only lasts temporarily
It is Ineffable -- the experience can't really be put into words
It is Noetic -- it teaches us something important, or seems to
It is Passive -- is it something that happens TO US, i.e. outside of our conscious control/desires. I said it is that
one round of golf. For me it was at St. Ives, Charlie Hoffman did it in the Playoffs, Annika had her 59, etc.
ineffable...shoot, if I could explain it, I'd be able to do it again and again. Man, you just had to be there.
Noetic...It seemed to teach me a number of things, think about your shot, don't rush, take a practice swing, release the club. At least it seemed to, I try to do those things frequently but I don't get the same results.
Passive...Yeah, it definately was outside of my conscious control. I was in the ZONE baby.
But like I said, no more from me on this want the thread to stay up, right?