That's a novel idea.
I like it because it will identify template holes, or variations/hybrids of template holes, that many have never seen.
It would be great if we could get ground level photos to match the holes, since we can also view them on Google Earth.
My guess is that NGLA will come up with more than one winner.
I know, Eastern Bias.
But, the "Bottle" 8th hole, the Alps 3rd, Redan 4th, Short 6th, Road 7th, Double Plateau 11th, Eden 13th, Punchbowl 16th, Leven 17th, Valley 1st, Sahara 2nd, Hogs back 5th, Cape 14th, Narrows 15th and Home 18th are tough to beat.
I have a good idea, how about a beaten 18 flight, conceding the championship flight entirely to NGLA(;