Sight Lines, no but if you are talking about Nazca Line, now I am fully with you.
It is rumoured that Old Tom flew over on the back of a giant bird to lay out a course or two at Nazca, however the land was not fit for purpose due to no grass and its stone covered landscape. In the hour and days he spent walking over the land trying to find a suitable site, he left tracks. Apparently in awe of the Great Man the indigenous population decided to record his visit by the only fitting way of walking over the land and thought the intervention of the Gods transformed the land to what we see today.

The Nazca Lines represent the actual dedication of a whole people to the game called Golf, starting with honouring it first and longest tradition of Walking. To remind themselves of what is at the heart of the great game they walked while thinking and in doing so imprinted the land with drawings of animals and birds. To think here are a people that were never able to have a course built due to land being unfit for purpose, but have enough love for the game to insist in walking.
Sight Lines, no think Nazca Lines and to the people who built them – never forgetting the reason why they were built – “to remind the world that golf is all about Walking and Thinking”
Have a nice Day with your sight lines