Many here are on the right track.....I don't think firm and fast ALWAYS = brown grass.
Plant color is based on many variables, hydration by irrigation on being one of them; also proper nutrition (fertilization), plant genus/speicies, time of year, mowing (think striping...varying shades of green), etc.
The best ways to achieve fast and firm are through precision, efficient irrigation (the more handwatering the better), and proper drainage. Obviously climate area makes a difference, hard to be F&F when it rains all the time, but refer back to drainage. Those clubs looking to improve their F&F conditions should focus duely on proper irrigation and solving any and all drainage issues. Both will improve not only the playing surface, but the health of the plant.
The best way to achieve green color is by keeping the plant healthy. Proper hydration is only one part. Soil structure and mineralization, plant fertility, proper drainage to encourage deeper stronger rooting, reducing and realiving compaction and traffic, etc etc. all will increase health and cholorophyll in the plant resulting in green grass.
Bottom line: I firmly believe F&F can be achieved without significant loss in color. Many good things for turf right now can be found by going back to the basics and understanding the plant. At the end of the day, we're all really just grass farmers, and if the focus is on good, quality healthy productive turf, then green and F&F will follow naturally. If you get lost focusing on aesthetics, you'll end up creating more problems for yourself than solutions.