> Golf Course Architecture Discussion Group
Who was Joe Bartholomew?
I think this distinguished man also did City Park in New Orleans as well. However that work in being undone by the redo of City Park post Katrina
I'm pretty sure there was another thread here, years ago, about Joe Bartholomew... I just did a search, but nothing was found. Too bad, as I recall Bartholomew's story is very interesting, as George alludes to.
jeff i agree. i had drinks with kelly gibson a few months back. he is part of the design team on city park. i spoke to him about bartholomew contributions to the city and its golf history.
Without looking up all the details right now, after he built the course according to the Raynor plan he stayed on there as the super
listen to this: he never played the course!!! the black thing in the south
if I remember correctly he went on the build 15-2O courses in and near New Orleans
nearly all of these courses were munis
in the book, Forbidden Fairways by Calvin Sinette, Dr Sinette and I spoke before the book was complete and I think there are any number of references about the esteemed Mr Bartholomew
funny story about our conversation: Sinette got my number, called me asking the following; "i am under the impression Joe Bartholomew graduated ("graduated" ??? ) from the Seth Raynor architecture school?" ..... I said yeah Calvin, that was called pick, rake and shovel
I think I have his story imbedded in the Metairie CC story
could never understand how they got Raynor to go to New Orleans until I followed a note I had about one Wm Stauffer who had Raynor build a course on his private estate in New Orleans - this info before I turned up the Metairie story. So that was even worse; how did you get Raynor to build a estate course in LA?????????
When I uncovered Metairie was indeed a Raynor course, it then made some sense
then I found out that wealthy Mr Stauffer also had a home in Southampton and had a small course on his property there
from a friendship that developed at Metairie came this: "Stauffer was a member of the Exec Comm USGA in 1924 and according to an article in Golf Illustrated in late 1916, W E Stauffer was part of a 2-day "Bankers' Tournament" held at the National, October 30 and 31, 1916"
then it all made sense - obviously a member NGLA and a friend of CBM
Good Lord - why do I have to finish the book - it is being written here on golfclubatlas!!!!!!!!!!!!
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