Not only would I build it, I would be unable to not build it.
When I was a kid, I laid out a course over the crushed culm surface in and around an anthracite coal breaker across the street from my house.

It wasn't ideal terrain for golf, and the jagged coal would scuff up the balls pretty quick, but most of the fun was in conceptualizng the holes.
Too bad they didn't play quite as well as I imagined.
Actually, I just found an artist's charcoal drawing of the exact Coal Breaker that was across the street from my house.
Please excuse me while I have a nostalgic moment, as that patch of culm between the street and the breaker of about 150 yards was indeed also our baseball field.
Balls that hit the breaker in the air were home runs, and balls that went down the mine shaft were ground rule doubles, and often the end of the game unless someone could squeeze in and retrieve it.

My older brother still has a visible piece of coal embedded under the skin in his knee from sliding into second base.
You should have seen the night that breaker burned to the ground...some kid reportedly sent a flaming arrow into it one night. I never saw anything burn so big and bright and my dad spent the night hosing our roof as huge chunks of blazing timbers fell from the sky.
Charred embers were found as far as ten blocks uphill north of the fire.
Yeah...I'd build it Tom.