Is it just me, or is it not somewhat unfortunate that Tom never responded to any of the questions/comments posted on this thread after his original salvo. I remember being fired up that someone with his insights was coming aboard for a ride on the GCA bandwagon.
Sure, there are some comedians and characters in our line-up, but that is no reason to cease participating. We're all busy, yet most here seem genuinely interested in sharing and learning about all matter of things, golf architecture related and otherwise.
I'd encourage Tom Lehman and others to contribute when possible. Despite the laments of some, that most of the real quality posters have left the building; I believe there is plenty of rich potential in the current line-up. Some of the OT stuff gets a bit trite, but on balance, there is much to appreciate from this forum.
I'll leave the gang with a quote, from noted philosopher George Santayana, that says it all, "The wisest mind has something yet to learn!"