To Mr. Sturges, Mr. Morrissett, Mr. Naccarato, Mr. Paul, Barney, other of you WCFV's (Wily, Cagey, F-----g Veterans), and any of these new Hemingways I've been reading during my extended lurking phase:
1. Lurking without posting is dispicable but somewhat amusing, much like hands-free mastrubation. It can be instructive but too much of it dulls one's more important skills.
2. The quality of the posts has declined overall, due mainly to the reduced contributions of such geniuses as Tom Paul, Ran Morrissett, Tommy Naccarato, Lynn Shackelford, David Eger and the absence of Ted Sturges. The disappearance of John Morrissett is especially distressing as his contributions are infinitely more profound than his brother's.
3. The decline in quality of the posts is somewhat offset by a seemingly reduced word count by Matt Ward. Every day without reading Matt adds 8 hours to one's life. The often wrong but never uncertain Pat Mucci seems to have eased off on his activity, as well. Be still my heart. Maybe the toxicity of the water in New Jersey contributes to the bellicosity of these two. Separated at birth?
4. A positive development in the past couple of years has been the judicious and creative use of the "O.T." posts. I believe most of have a broad enough love of golf to take us beyond just the grass and hills and sand and trees.
5. I don't recall that there was much criticism of the USGA in the early GCA years; certainly nothing compared to the current situation. When the increase in negativity began, I was distressed -- blasphemy against the good guys. Over the past few years, especially on the point of the USGA cowardice in the I & B area, my feelings have done a full 180. PLEASE STOP CONTRIBUTING TO THE DESTRUCTION OF THE GAME WE LOVE EVERY BIT AS MUCH AS YOU!!!! When the USGA had an operating budget of about $5 million, the Executive Committee had the cojones to take on the issue with Karsten. Whether they were right or wrong, at least they took a principaled position and stood tall. Now, with ten or more times the financial security of previous years, they cower behind Grandma's skirts every time Uihline or some other Bozo clears his throat. DISGUSTING!!!
6. Finally, my extensive lurking has led me to several hypothases regarding the mental health of various categories of GCA posters. I'm developing a marketing plan for my services. You will hear more of this when I'm ready to share it. There will be professional discounts for posters pro rated by your volume of posting and date of membership.
All in all, the site is still worth visiting. Posting is more fun than lurking. A major positive is the reduction in the volume of anonymous posts. Posting under other people's name still happens from time to time -- witness many of the frantic "Mucci" posts. Overall, though, it's good to be back with friends (and potential patients) who have common interests. You'll be hearing more.
Dr. Katz