The phrase gets a lot of use on GCA, but what does it mean?
Who coined it?
Great question.... insightful question....a question that begs for and deserves an answer.....what is your next question, please?

Seriously, I grapple with this, and in reading many, many books, I have really never found a definition to my liking. I may have even written that phrase TEPaul likes on behalf of my mentors Killian and Nugent, but that is too vague for my tastes.
I did attempt this subject and I find it difficult to define, as well. As the "Matt Ward Scale" thread shows, any time you take a point of view - say that of a good player, you find there are many, many other points of view, which make agreement between the dems and repubicans in an election year, or the Isralies and Arabs any year, look far more likely than any agreement you would find on this subject.
Nonetheless, you can find my take - ATTENTION - SHAMELESS PLUG COMING - on my series. under "Brauer's Book." (My working title for the series was Crap I Think About Golf Design, but even on the net, the Editor thought that was, ah, too direct.....) You'll find the basics under the "Ten Commandments" early in the series.
I will warn you that it a modern take on the subject. I suspect Matt Ward would agree with most of it, if that influences your decision to read it. However, in design, as in life itself, I'm lucky if I follow 8 of 10 at any given time. Like Tom Doak says, these written words exist only on paper, but are rarely possible to acheive in the real world on a 100% basis, nor should they be.
It begs the question oft debated here of "Do you start with certain beliefs" or with a "clean slate" in design. My mentors always felt that you start with beliefs, but don't get too rigid about them. On one hand, if you break too many rules in one design, you will certainly have some unpopular holes. On the other hand, the great advancements in design come from designers not so bound by the rules - say Pete Dye, who changed the face of American architecture in the 60-70's.
However, it really isn't practical to go into every design ready and willing to discard everything that has worked well for you in the past.
Basic Yin and Yang at work!