I was planning a trip to North Wales, but it is not looking like I will get overseas this year, sadly. Most of my travel this year will be for work and family, so hopefully I can visit a few new courses on those trips. A few spots where I know I will be...
Minnesota: After playing Windsong Farm and Minikahda last year (thanks to the incredibly welcoming and kind local gca contingent), perhaps I can find my way out to a couple more of the great courses in the area. The new course at Windsong looked pretty cool, and I'd love to get up to Northland at some point, but the courses closer to the cities are far more likely. I'll say Minneapolis GC, since I've been invited.
Upstate NY: I expect to be in the area somewhat regularly for the next few years, and hope to finally see a few of the area's best. There is a lot of ground to cover, and I don't know a ton about specific courses, but I'm most curious about Monroe GC, because a friend I trust thought it was the best in the region.
Residing in the Southeast US, I've played most of the courses in which I am most interested (at least once), but a few still elude me. The only one I am definitely planning is Pinehurst 10.