I don’t know. Women’s golf should not be dumbed down to the lowest common denominator. Plenty of women, exercising the same techniques that we expect of men, can play 6,000 yard courses. Add more forward tees, if you want, but I’m not going to condescend women who equally aspire to improving their game.
While this is only the case for a very small percentage of women, it is still a valid comment in that they should all have the
choice to play a 6000+ yard course if they are so minded.
Unfortunately England Golf is recommending Clubs not (or worse effictively refusing) to rank Mens Rear Competition Tees for Women under the WHS.
This is short sited, and potentially exclusionary to the longest women (they would be on thin ice if challenged on this).
The key on having egalitarian "Gender Neutral" tees (as they are often called in the UK) is that they all can be used by all regardless of gender.
But, the other "elephant in the room" is too many golfers (male or female) are playing too far back and slowing down play.
Thus a simple access for all to all tees policy needs to have a caveat, in that if a player cannot complete a round in a reasonable time (to be determined by each club as they wish) then they must play forward.
I think Sean A mentioned the 36x 5-Iron yardage as a ready measure for which tees to play from, I think this is the single best idea I have heard of yet.
All players should be encouraged to play from the set of tees that most closely match that aggregate distance (regardless of gender)
Perhaps they could all have their 5-iron distance measured by the Pro with a launch monitor into a Sim or Net and then they are permissioned to play all tees shorter than the aggregate 36x their measured 5-iron distance, but not tees that are longer (unless prescribed in a Club Competition/Match)...