I think we can all agree that P. annua greens produce a nice playing surface for golf. The downfall is the cost to produce that surface. Poa requires exponentially more inputs (water, fertilizer, PGR's etc etc etc) to maintain acceptability than any other turfgrass species. If you include how the planet average daily temps are climbing, P. annua only seems to be a viable option in a few areas of North America and quite often a poor choice given the options of improved genetics. It makes me sad and bit crazy to hear about clubs doing these complete greens renovations and actually picking up the P. annua sod and putting it back down on new rootzone. I do not understand this line of thinking. As everyone is aware, I am big on long-term viability and sustainability of the game. P. annua is not part of that equation, unless monumental breeding efforts are put forth...which they currently are not...and for good reason.