Interesting you think it's odd. I wonder how many women were banging down the door to work at a primarily men only club. I'm sure there are plenty of qualified women, just seems there are better venues / cases for a fight.
How about if women wanted to start a private club and only have women working there? I'd hate to be the guy causing a stir over that.
The people of New Jersey have decided these are the rules. I happen to think they are extremely important rules, but that's beside the point. Since you asked. Yes, I don't think it's okay if it's women-only employment. I don't think it's okay if it's men-only employment. I don't think it's okay if it's black-only employment, or white-only employment. I think people deserve to be able to access housing and employment without facing any kind of discrimination based on skin-color, creed, gender, or national origin... period. If a person can do the damn job, let them be given a chance just as much as the next person.
"A better venue"... We are talking about one of the most powerful clubs in the world. A club with members that almost certainly have everything they could ever need in life. On the other hand, the people making the complaint are probably looking for slightly above minimum wage jobs. I'm glad they have an Attorney General doing the fighting for them.
The fact that these clubs--for some absurd reason--cling to this history of discrimination... Why, for what purpose? It used to be a dumb, cruel tradition. Now it's a dumb, cruel, and illegal tradition.
Again, I'm pleased that Pine Valley was cooperative in this settlement, but for the sake of the game, this kind of nonsense needs to stop.