My only new courses were in Ontario or through my lens.
Absolutely loved Niagara On The Lake golf club. It plays away from, then back to, the town. Wish the other nine holes had been preserved. Thrilled with the tree annihilation, that opened up all the vistas of Lake Ontario and the entirety of the course. Some internal tree removal would help, but those trees are all old hardwood and way more important than golf.
Absolutely loved Twenty Valley. Great rural Ontario course. If you've never met Canadian sportsfolk, you should. They find a way to imbue golf with their hockey mentality, with no checking, high sticking, or jerseying. Twenty Valley has crazy carries that look menacing, but are all manageable. The Scrambler hit one of the world's great drives on 18, but the 2nd eluded him. Alas...
I enjoyed Niagara National, Port Colborne, and Peninsula Lakes. I would recommend all of them as reliable places to enjoy your golf and be treated with great Maple Leaf cordiality.
As for photography, the opportunity to finally shoot Oak Hill West and East was unexpected, and had me salivating. Knowing that I would shoot the East just before it began its transformation into major championship site, was humbling. I was very happy with the resulting images. The West course is the essence of a classic, members course. It drifts and traipses across the same hills that parade through the East course, in a kinder way.