Hell, I'll probably get emails from a dozen architects saying "Right on!" since they probably all have used those words regarding the opinions of this group!
Jeff --
Don't mean to single you out; it's just that you singled yourself out with that economical, easily quoted line about "the opinions of this group" -- a sentiment I've heard innumerable times over the couple of years I've been dropping by here, and several times in this very thread.
I, personally, don't think "this group" HAS opinions! Aren't you a member of this group?
What are you talking about? Where is the unanimity?
I just read your reply 163. For the record, I've not gotten an email yet, nor even a response from Ron Whitten. While it is technically true (you parser of words, you) that the group doesn't have an opinion, pe se, I think you catch my drift.
And while it is dangerous to group everyone here into "modern design haters" the level of those posts is considerable. Add to those the wishful thinking posts (I'll bet Donald Ross would walk out of an environmentalists meeting, rather than design the course the way they dictate.....Hell, I would, too, but I'm more afraid of what - or who - would happen to me in jail than I would visiting Neverland.....) and the uninformed posts (hate to sound negative, but if when some say "Why couldn't they....." Hell, we would if we could, and that's a fact!
Add in the real venom spewed the direction of architects more commercially succsessful than I, and similarly not named Doak or Coore, and there is a pattern here!@
So, I won't lump all participants in a group. To quote that famous golf architect, Dick Nixon, "That would be wrong....."
I will say the architects I know - and I know most of them - roll their eyes at the very mention of this site, mostly owing to the examples I gave above. Of that, I can be sure I'm on safe ground.....
Anyway, I enjoy "the group" if that's possible. I hope you recognize, that while I do get sensitive about archie - or Ron Whitten - bashing, all my posts, even on this thread are in good humor. Just to be sure, I'll insert - ta da -