I'm grieved by the lack of respect shown our 'housemates' by the high percentage of lazy posts around here -- the one sentence long, predictable, conventional, usually snide/smart-ass posts that seem to have taken less time to think-about-and-write than even the 5 short seconds it takes to read them.
And usually -- if you've been here long enough and recognize the poster -- you can recognize in those lazy posts the same stale old tired opinion/view points/top 10 list that the poster has been trotting out for more than a decade, without any apparent new insights ever or any awareness that he hasn't learned a single thing in years.
You know what - work a little harder, please. Maybe put a little more effort into it, or consider not posting at all. Sorry to break it to you, but your farts don't smell good to anyone else but you. Your lazy posts basically say to everyone else that you think yourself superior, and that you have nothing to prove and no desire to share/give anything to anyone else.
How about this instead: if you have a 'thought', consider ignoring it until you get a deeper/better thought, or a second-thought, and then maybe ignore that one too until you refine it into a third iteration. Maybe then it'll be worth something. I mean: if the likes of Jeff W and Shelly and Jeff B and Ally and Tom D and Gib and Sean etc can put some effort into thoughtful, well-written and expansive posts, so can everyone else.
What a gnawing irony: that those who have the most to give work the hardest in giving it, while those who have the least to give put the least amount of effort into the giving.
How's that, Marty? Grieved enough for you?