Dan: you have a very good take on ratings, particularly how GD does things, by my reckoning. I'd just disagree with you in you in saying that while it is a requirement that GD raters be 3 handicap or less, I wouldn't say that this is the "main requirement". I have to believe a lot more goes into selection of raters than that.
As you might know, I am a GD rater myself. Thus I believe your take is a great one, and you saved yourself by saying "some (not all)" when describing us....
In any case, I've now heard 15 and 30 as the minimum number of raters required and I have no clue what it really is. One way or the other, that's a small number... and a very good point you make is one I've been trying to get through for the entirety of the time we've been "discussing" the GD ratings, and that is that given the small number of ratings submitted period, it does without a doubt just take very few poor ratings to "screw" a course. This is a weakness of the sytem that unfortunately I have no idea how to correct. It's just reality that you're not gonna get 500 raters to show up to places like TKC... Thus TKC had the bad luck of that rater showing up complaining about his car getting dirty... He would seem to me to be a disgrace to the system, but that's just an opinion.
I gather there are GD raters who are like this... heck, in a pool of 800 there are always going to be bad apples.
David is damn right though - opinions like these - even the dork who complained about his car getting dirty - are much closer to the "masses" than the view generally espoused in this dg. So if people here disagree with it, it is just one view, and perhaps not the majority, not even close...
This takes nothing away from TKC, from all I hear it's a place I would love to play again and again and again and it deserves far more kudos that it got from GD.
Just many thanks for giving a balanced view as to WHY these ratings come out how they do... people don't seem to listen to me... and kudos for you for acknowledging that even though TKC got screwed, which to me seems obvious.
I also believe as I say that as more raters get up there, you'll get far more of a majority of right-thinking ones, and this error will be corrected. Just have patience, if that is possible!