I'm curious to ask those who oppose the use of SubAir what they do with greens in hot, humid areas? What I have seen are large fans around greens to get the air moving, and these fans are unsightly and noisy. Is there any other alternative besides fans? And are SubAir systems really worse than fans?
If you want bentgrass greens rolling at 11 or 12 year round in places like Tulsa and Dallas and Augusta*, then I can see the logic for these systems. I’m not sure those are the right priorities, but I understand that members would disagree.
What bothers me is that they’re also trying to sell it in Southampton, NY, where you and I could grow grass, and telling you that you have to give your superintendent all the latest tools at his disposal to make the grass perfect. They sell it as the solution to wet climates, to dry climates, to places with frost issues, etc etc.
They make it seem like every course needs it, at places that are right now doing just fine without it. We’re your greens at Brook Hollow not really good before this installation?
* and of course, it was invented at Augusta National, which is closed the entire summer when the grass might be stressed out, and where they are constantly tearing up holes anyway.