I've done a number over the years and we've been trying to get one on the schedule for a while but Covid has messed it up. I do social media, blogs, emails etc to keep in contact so the membership knows what is going on, but I still believe there is nothing better than communicating in person. The one I'm currently planning is on aeration, as no matter how much I can explain in a blog, by being on a green, pulling plugs to show what is going on does more than a million words and people can ask the questions in real time, which gives everyone a better understanding.
One of the best ones I did was a series with the ladies where, over a couple of Tuesdays, we took carts around the course and chatted about the design, why we maintain things certain ways, how to repair divots, ball marks properly etc. It was a great success and they all left with a much better understanding of the course. I also got roped into participating in the local county farm tour one year. That was an interesting one as we had people coming through that never even had set foot on a golf course before. The best part of that was explaining how much superintendents do to protect the environment and its not just dump water and spray and forget it, like joe public thinks.
I've been lucky with not having too many Mr Gobbys over the years but come in prepared for the worst just in case. In any case if it's done right it can be a very informative session.