It’s not really an approach to design though, is it Sean? It’s the land that defines that approach. Really the only significant dune land at Sandwich is the system / ridges that cross the 4th, 5th, 6th holes plus the first half of 7. As you move further away from that system (both along the coast and inland), the land turns in to rollicking undulations before reaching less undulating, flatter land around 13, 14 & 15 where the course adjoins Princes which is of a similar nature.
What is great about RStG is that that change is gradual and exciting. At no point in the round do you feel like you are playing on two different sites.
That is much more important than having one nine contrasting the other, certainly for me. Whether you have 18 dune holes, 18 flatter holes or 9’s that differ in nature, the first priority for me is that your round flows on what feels like a consistent site