The new superintendent Jeff Austin is doing a nice job with the golf course. Reports of Yale’s demise have been greatly exaggerated.
You get the golf course all to yourself now. Of course you love it!
Thinking back to this time last year, Yale didn’t have a superintendent or a Director of Golf/Head Pro. There were no members and the course wasn’t being mowed. Yale was not actively seeking to fill these positions at the time. Yale now has Peter Palacios Jr. and Jeff Austin. They seem to be doing everything right and heading in a positive direction. I feel like the alarm of the golfers and media was justified and likely resulted in these exemplary hires.
Maybe it was Yale’s plan the whole time, but if it was, it was never communicated to the golfers until Peter was hired. There was a huge disconnect between the golfers and the University concerning the golf course. The golfers were fearful of losing their gem and the only way they could connect to the University was through the media. Of course it was exaggerated (there is always crab grass growing in the Yale bunkers
), but it seems to have worked!