I think your first instinct or lessons from Pete to not take the driver out of the hands of golfers is probably a better idea, even if focused on tournament play as your main design goal.
I mean, nobody likes being forced to lay up, and conceptually it's stronger to give them the choice to lay up, no? I'm not comparing golfers to little children, but as any parent knows, tell them no and they throw a tantrum, give them a choice of ice cream now or later, and they happily start to think about the decision.
In terms of DECADE, I'm not sure if that means make the tree to tree landing zones perhaps just a few yards less than the 68 yards wide recommended, perhaps 62-64 yards, lulling them into a "well, it's pretty safe" attitude to take chances, or just what. If we narrow that too much, the disciplined golfer will simply go down to 3 wood. That said, I saw Jim Colbert get really upset with his grandson for playing a full 3 wood for a second shot on the 7th at Colbert Hills, because there was just no reason to challenge the bracketing fw bunkers in the second LZ, and he should have laid up. I mean, if you are going to take something out of play, be sure you take it out of play by laying up, especially, if the resulting shot will still be less than 160 or so.
I think wide landing zones with more severe hazards might work, but then again, I doubt any specific idea should be repeated so many times because no theory works as intended all the time.