from FL DEP website.. just so gca folks can understand this most interesting discussion.. of Dredge and Fill under Clean Water Act Section 404 the COE or delegated authorities..
Florida wetlands are areas saturated by surface or ground water with much vegetation. Some examples of Florida wetlands include swamps, marshes, mangrove swamps and wet prairies. The Office of Submerged Lands and Environmental Resources addresses the dredging, filling and construction in wetlands. The Office also ensures that activities in uplands, wetlands or other surface waters do not degrade water quality or the habitat for wetland dependant wildlife..
What is the Environmental Resource Permit Program (ERP)?
The Environmental Resource Permit Program regulates activities involving the alteration of surface water flows. This includes new activities in uplands that generate stormwater runoff from upland construction, as well as dredging and filling in wetlands and other surface waters. Two wetlands regulatory programs exist at the state level: a dredge and fill (wetland resource) permit program (WRP) within the limits of the Northwest Water Management District and an environmental resource permit (ERP) program throughout the rest of the state. Environmental Resource Permit applications are processed by either the Department or one of the state's water management districts, in accordance with the division of responsibilities specified in operating agreements between the Department and the water management districts. The Environmental Resource Permit Program is in effect throughout the State except for the Florida panhandle (within the limits of the Northwest Florida Water Management District).
What is the Wetland Resource Permitting Program (WRP)?
The Wetland Resource Permit program for the Florida panhandle is implemented by the FLDEP and regulates dredging and filling in waters of the state, which generally consist of waters connected to other “named” waters, including lakes of more than ten acres in size, but excluding isolated wetlands.1 The Northwest ERP rulemaking was authorized through amendments to S. 373.4145, F.S. in the 2006 legislative session to develop rules addressing stormwater quality and quantity. Rules for the Northwest ERP stormwater program were effective October 1, 2007. Additionally, the remaining components of the comprehensive ERP program, including isolated wetlands, are currently being written and are scheduled for completion no sooner than January 2008.
Local Program Delegation
To implement this statutory authority, the Department adopted a rule, Chapter 62-344 of the Florida Administrative Code, to guide local governments in the application process, and the criteria that will be used to approve or deny a delegation request.
Permitting Activities in conjunction with the US Army Corps of Engineers
Nationwide Permits
State Programmatic General Permit
ERP Operating Agreements with FDEP, US Army Corps of Engineers & WMDs
For more detailed information on permitting please go to the Summary of the Wetland and Other Surface Water Regulatory and Proprietary Programs.
1It should be noted that a separate stormwater program also regulates construction of new sources of stormwater runoff throughout the panhandle. See FL. ADMIN. CODE § 62-25.