In response to the conversation within my
6,400 yard PGA Tour course thread, I created the following challenge exploring what a tournament on a short PGA Tour course would actually look like.
I’ve composed 2 different 18 hole routings made up of holes from regular, non major, PGA Tour venues. The first routing includes holes played during the first half of this calendar year's schedule and the second routing includes holes played during the second half of the schedule. Both routings will play less than 6,600 yards and will historically average over par.
The challenge to you will be to estimate what the actual scoring performance on these courses will be as if it was a normal event.
Below is the early season routing, a Par 70 that will play 6,502 yards. The 18 hole routing is made up of holes from 7 different tournaments.

I’d like you to estimate what the scoring average will be in relation to par for the following classifications:
- Total Field Average
- Top 25 Scoring Average
- Top 10 Scoring Average
- Lowest Scoring Average
Each composite course will be made up of holes from around 7 different courses. Based on past history, within the pool of PGA Tour players who will enter these events, 60% of them will play in 4 or more events and 40% will play in 5 or more events. Even if a player plays in every event, they may not always make the cut at those events. Both factors will create discrepancies in the statistical averages in the challenge. To mitigate that I will calculate 2 sets of averages, one for all players available and one for all players who have played in at least half of the available holes within the routing. (For example, through Bay Hill players would have had the opportunity to have played 10 holes in the routing a total of 34 times. Any player who has played at least 16 holes at that point would be scored in the second set of averages.)
I’m not asking you to estimate both sets of averages, just one. Think of the two sets as being similar to Gross vs. Net scoring.
To participate, post a reply with your predictions for the Early Season routing. You’re post should look like the following example:
- TFA (+1.20)
- T25A (-0.75)
- T10A (-1.40)
- LSA (-3.20)
The first 2 holes in the routing are at Waialae Country Club, so all entries for the early season are due by midnight EST Wednesday, January 13th. Prior to the first round at the Sony Open.
Each week I'll post a leaderboard of both how the PGA Tour players are fairing against the routing and how well we are predicting their performance.
The early season challenge will conclude following the RBC Heritage on April 18th. The routing for the late season routing will be posted on April 18th and the late season challenge will begin at the Valspar Championship on April 29th.
Good Luck