I occasionally take a court case to defend golf courses, and reject those where the course is clearly too close to houses, or other holed and there is an accident of some sort that is design related. I think its the legal system, to be frank. At least in the US.
As to broad safety guidelines, well, good luck getting gca's to print safety guidelines. The official line is that every situation varies, and in reality it does. The Guy Rando ULI book on golf course developments did provide some guidelines, but I am not sure I have either seen newer ones published, nor many changes in the basic layouts. Their recommendation was 350 foot corridors for single loaded holes, at the LZ, with 150 feet left and 200 right, or maybe 160-190 feet, I think, rather than a balanced 175-175 foot distribution, but I'm going from memory.
Since then, I have done some statistical research on tee shot distribution, using a few more studies now available, and I don't think that is far off, usually proposing 360-375 feet or so, but I don't see the need to go to 400 as a few courses have done, at least if land is tight.
but, I'm just one guy!